Alex and Kelly are pretty serious, and I can’t be the only one who saw Alex Danvers holding a baby in her Obsidian Platinum lobby. I think she’s ready for the truth and deserves it. But as interesting as the prospect of the Phantom Zone mystery is and more screen time for other characters, the idea of Kara Zor-El being off-screen for anything more than an episode in what’s already her final season (making way for her more famous male cousin) has some serious sting to it.Īnother question: what is Alex going to tell Kelly? Last season, Kelly gradually worked her way into the inner circle, eventually investigating on her own with William and then Lena.

We already know we’re losing the show Supergirl, something fans mourn even as we celebrate what it means for Melissa Benoist’s personal life. While your mileage may vary, there is, however, something inherently frustrating about the pattern of characters “leave before they leave,” to paraphrase Sheryl Sandberg of all people.
In this episode, after watching Brainy go to the brink of death, it was lovely to see Rath open the door a crack to let in some hope and a bit of another side of Brainy. From multiple Brainiacs to removing his inhibitors to adopting a resigned affect when he joined Team Lex, Rath has been called upon to show extraordinary range for a character who supposedly has none. Jesse Rath, in particular, has been doing amazing work the last few seasons, and I can’t wait to see more.

It’s hard to overstate the strength of this show’s ensemble, and indeed it can be hard to tell where the starting line-up ends and the bench begins, because the characters are all so beloved and the people who play them are so good. Of course, Nia will be supported just as Supergirl herself was in this episode. For however long Kara is away, National City is in good hands. Supergirl has always excelled as a well-rounded ensemble of women, and Nia and Dreamer no longer feel like the interns holding down the fort. It’s a sign of how much Nia has grown as a character and Nicole Maines as an actress that those pieces aren’t a concern at all. Nia has taken the wheel before, but never for (potentially) as long as Supergirl’s trip to the Phantom Zone.

Toward the end of last season, Kara talked about how she loved that Dreamer being able to take on any villain on her own meant that Supergirl could take a night off. Cryer is so good at playing every inch of Lex, from his most playful to his most ruthless, from his gentlemanly, almost nurturing side rescuing Eve Tessmacher to the coldness with which he pulled the rug out from under her. We love Lex because this is the kind of silly victorious celebration we would all do if we had finally achieved domination – or thought we had. After all, this scheme has been in motion since at least Crisis on Infinite Earths, and the Leviathan part since well before. Lex singing along to Queen while shooting off alien weaponry in time to the music in the Fortress of Solitude is a moment befitting a villain of his caliber, and a plan of this magnitude.

There’s no denying that Jon Cryer is a damn near perfect Lex Luthor, and this episode leaned into that in a big way. And while Brainy and Nia are headed in the right direction, after half a season of cold-to-downright cruel behavior from the Coluan, there’s no easy way back to happiness and trust. The writers knew, for example, that the anti-life weapon had to crap out on the Superfriends the first time they tried it, in order to make way for the glory of an epic final battle. It’s impressive how much this hour of television manages to give so much of what we want, without any of the downsides of fan service.
“Rebirth” packs just about every kind of punch, giving us the joy of seeing Kara and Lena reunited, the satisfaction of Lena clocking her brother, and the glee of an immortal Lex taking on a fully powered team of Superfriends, now with 100% more M’Gann, plus a suited and booted Alex Danvers. Kara and friends returned to finish out last season’s cliffhangers, including Brainy fighting for his life, Lex superpowering himself thanks to Leviathan, and Andrea Rojas’s life in shambles. Supergirl is back for one last season, and they’re making it count. This Supergirl review contains spoilers Supergirl Season 6 Episode 1